Friday, January 26, 2007

the point

So what's the point of having a transcript of all the strongbad emails? Well I was trying to tell my lovely wife about what the heck a thnicka man is. And obviously it wouldn't make sense if I tried to describe it, so I went searching through the strongbad emails looking for it, but I couldn't figure out which episode it was in. I started thinking "they should make the emails searchable." Then it dawned on me. If I took the time to transcribe all the episodes, I would be able to search via google and find the episode.

But won't that take a lot of time? Heck yes it will. But I haven't watched the early ones in a long, long time. And SB emails are one of those things you have to revisit at several points throughout your life as they enrich your soul in different ways at different points in your life. That and they're just rather hilarious every single time I watch them.

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